IIBA’s Pro Bono Program focuses on limited-scope legal clinics for pro bono attorneys, other professionals, and law students to work directly with IIBA clients. We frequently partner with law firms, in-house counsel offices, law schools, and other groups on these clinics. The clinics require a short time commitment, and have a tremendous impact on those we serve.
Citizenship Clinics
IIBA holds remote citizenship legal clinics throughout the year to help low-income clients in and around the Bay Area. Volunteers at the clinics work with lawful permanent residents, helping them complete their applications to become U.S. citizens. IIBA coordinates logistics and provides all necessary training and support during the clinics.
Several of IIBA’s offices also hold periodic citizenship clinics to serve clients in their respective counties. To learn more about any of IIBA’s citizenship clinics, email probono@iibayarea.org.
DACA Clinics
IIBA also holds remote DACA renewal legal clinics throughout the year for low-income clients in and around the Bay Area. Volunteers at the clinics work one-on-one with DACA recipients to complete their DACA renewal applications. IIBA coordinates logistics and provides all necessary training and support during the clinics. To learn more about IIBA’s DACA clinics, email probono@iibayarea.org.
Other Pro Bono Opportunities with IIBA
IIBA’s Oakland, Napa, and other offices periodically host pro bono attorneys to work on full-scope legal cases. Participants benefit from substantial mentorship from IIBA’s legal staff. To learn more, email probono@iibayarea.org.
We welcome new pro bono project ideas to expand our legal work on behalf of low-income immigrants in the Bay Area. If you are interested in proposing a project or initiating a pro bono partnership with IIBA, please contact probono@iibayarea.org.
Pro Bono Spotlights

Ana Canenguez
“Volunteering with IIBA has been such a rewarding experience. I get to work with people that I see myself in. I am an immigrant myself. I know how difficult the immigration process is, and I know how hard it is to navigate the process without professional help. Being able to help my community by volunteering with IIBA has meant so much to me.”

Charles Huse
“There’s a human-interest angle to the work that’s largely absent from my day job as a patent prosecutor. I enjoy hearing people’s stories, and helping them figure out how to reflect those stories in the paperwork. The Silicon Valley’s success owes a lot to immigrants and the contributions they have made here. Given those contributions, I find pro bono work helping immigrants to be particularly rewarding.”